The Religion Teacher Did you know there are two parts to the Lord's Prayer (Our Father)? The first part articulates who we pray to (Father) and who we pray with (our). We pray to the Father and we pray with the Son and his Church. God is Father, but also Son and the Spirit in unity with them. God is in heaven, our ultimate destination. Our Father Who art in heaven The second part of the Lord’s Prayer includes seven petitions. St. Thomas Aquinas pointed out that the Lord’s Prayer “not only teaches us to ask for things, but also in what order we should ask for them (CCC, 2763). There is a method to the order of things we ask of God in the Lord’s Prayer. We start with God himself and his will, then we move towards ourselves asking for him to sustain us, forgive us, and help us stay in union with him and others. In this video I break down these seven petitions verse by verse: 1. Hallowed be thy name 2. Thy kingdom come 3. Thy will be done on earth as it is in heaven 4. Give us this day our daily bread 5. Forgive us our trespasses as we forgive those who trespass against us 6. Lead us not into temptation 7. Deliver us from evil "Jesus truly teaches us the perfect way to pray with these words." - St. Thomas Aquinas VIDEO- The Meaning of the Lord's Prayer by Jared Dees/The Religion Teacher (5 minutes) Our Father Worksheet Our Father Fill-in-the-Blank Worksheet