Oct 20-Nov 13: Parishioners donate bins/boxes BIN/BOX CONTENTS: Green Beans 3-15 oz cans Corn 3-15 oz cans Cranberry Sauce 2 cans Gravy 2 small jars or 1 large jar Stuffing 2 boxes Instant Potatoes - 1 large box Extras optional: Paper Products (plates/napkins) Peanut Butter & Jelly Pasta & Sauce Macaroni & Cheese Cookies Granola Bars Your Favorite Snack (non-perishable) Table decorations Greeting card or homemade pictures/cards Please do not include: Apple Juice or Foil Pan (We've got it covered!) Monetary donations can be made to help purchase the turkeys and fresh items. Thank you for participating in this family to family project!