(Catholic schools such as St. Joseph, St. Catherine, Queen of Angels,
St. John Bosco, Blessed Trinity, etc.)
You must be a Registered Parishioner of
St. Michael's to register for Faith Formation/PSR classes
As directed by the Archdiocese of Atlanta, sacramental preparation must be completed at your church of registration. Complete, scan and email the form to [email protected] or drop off the form at the Faith Formation office dropbox next to the office door.
First Holy Communion: Please register your second grade child by August 1st.
+provide copy of Baptismal certificate
+attend parent meetings; an email will be sent
+make a banner for First Holy Communion Mass (provided by program)
+attend Reconciliation session where your child will receive his/her First Reconciliation
+attend First Holy Communion practice
+attend First Holy Communion Mass
Confirmation: Please register your teen by August 1st for each year of the two years of the program; when they are in the 9th grade and then again in the 10th grade.
+ you will need to attend the parent meeting at the beginning of the year in August; you will receive an email with the date
+provide copy of Baptismal and First Holy Communion certificates at Year 1 registration
+attend parent meetings
+Year 1: complete Sponsor Form and Saint report by specified date; complete 3 Service
Opportunities and complete the Service Opportunity forms; attend the one day retreat in
November. For more info on these items and to download forms CLICK HERE.
+Year 2: attend parent meeting; complete 3 Service Opportunities and complete the Service Opportunity form; attend the retreat in the Spring.
+Other requirements will be given out at the parent meetings.
St. Michael's has a policy and program for those who desire to teach religious education to their children at home. St. Michael’s recognizes that the primary religious educators of children are their parents. The Faith Formation Office here at St. Michael’s is here to support parents in the faith formation of their childern.
Families must be registered members of St. MIchael's.
Homeschool is offered for grades 3,4,5,6,7,8. Registration for this program, does not include materials but we recommend the Faith & Life curriculum published by Ignatius Press, or you may choose any faith-based Catholic curriculum as approved by the Director. The requirements for participation in this program include completing the Homeschool Record Form found on the left menu.
Homeschool is discouraged for First Holy Communion Prep and for Confirmation Prep both of which are a two year program.
Homeschool for First Holy Communion (first and/or second grade) and Confirmation Prep (both years) needs to be approved by the Director of Faith Formation.
Please call the Director of Faith Formation to discuss your situation, potential curriculum, etc. If approved, you'll need to register your child at the beginning of BOTH years.
Exceptions are evaluated on an individual needs basis. Saul Onate Perez Director of Faith Formation/Religious education: 770-516-9699 x233 [email protected]
Home School Curriculum
If homeschooling Sacramental preparation with the prior approval of the Director of Faith Formation, registration is required for parish Sacramental Preparation Programs:
First Holy Communion: Register your 1st and 2nd grade child, must be at least 7 years old by August 1st. Attend parent meetings; Reconciliation and First Holy Communion practice sessions, and Reconciliation Retreat. We will email you with further requirements that include schedule, prayers to learn, liturgical activities, and helpful resources. For Grade 2 there will also be two tests, one on Reconciliation and the other on the Eucharist. Full requirements will be emailed.
Confirmation: Register your teen for both years, 9th and 10th grade (must be at least 14 years old to begin Year 1). Register each year by August 1st. Attend parent meetings, teen attends a retreat each year, participates in service opportunities, and may attend IGNITE sessions or other special events. Other requirements will be given out at the parent meetings.
Registering with the Faith Formation Office provides the following:
By registering with us parents will be included in all mailings and dissemination of information concerning religious education functions which involve the children of the parish. We will also keep records of students’ progress via the Homeschool Record form.
The Faith Formation Office provides the following:
Please click on the Homeschool Guidelines button below for more information and details.
Homeschool Guidelines
Please click on the Homeschool Record Form for a copy of the form to submit to our office after completing the course by the end of May. A separate copy is required for each student. Homeschool record form
If you have any questions, please contact:
Saul Onate Perez, Director of Faith Formation: 770-516-9699 x233 [email protected]